My natural hair journey began Jan.9, 2009. I laid in my bed that morning and felt like God was whispering in my ear, "Cut your hair". Yes, I actually heard God speak and no, I am not crazy or on any hallucinogenics. I immediately called my sistergirl and hairdresser, who obliged to my urgent and drastic request to chop my hair. I frantically dressed before I lost the nerve, kissed hubby and the kids and drove towards my freedom.
When I arrived at the Beauty shop, I was excited and somewhat fearful because I could not remember what my natural hair looked or felt like. See, I have had chemicals in my hair since the age of 6 and was a true advocate of relaxers whenever the dreaded roots started to show. Matter of fact, the only knowledge of caring for natural hair was with my Lil Mama's, and the countless websites and youtube videos. Initially, I wanted Locs, but soon realized that before I took that plunge, I first wanted to learn about being natural.
As Sistergirl took those shears and began to cut, I felt an overwhelming sense of peacefulness. The hair just kept falling and falling and I never shed a tear. It laid there in a sad pile, ready to be swept and thrown away. I believe at that time, I was in state of shock and to be honest, I just wanted to leave the shop before people had the opportunity to comment, " That girl just lost her everlasting mind".
When I got home, I understood the deep significance of my decision, but as I began to touch my new short crop, I was a little intimidated and felt a panic resound in my heart. "What would I do with my hair?", "What would people think about me?". While these endless thoughts flooded my mind, I just hung me head and sat with my husband, who's judgement and opinion I trust. He looked at me and said, " Baby you are beautiful and I love your hair". From that moment on, I embraced the beautiful natural hair that God gave me.
Priceless moment: sitting there and watching all your pretty long hair fall to the ground. Good luck with the naturale look.