Ok, I had to write this letter to Dom, Trina, and TJ. My newly natural sisters who defied all logic and did the BC (Big Chop for all you non-naturals). No words can describe the journey you have embarked on. You have looked in the mirror, better yet, in your soul and realized that your hair is your true Crown and Glory. Your excited, pleased and self assured that your unique and awesome. However, there a few words of wisdom that I must share with you because I love you all so much. We share a bond, a sisterhood forged by scissors, eco-styler and sulfate free shampoo.
1. Going Natural is not a trend, a popular hairstyle, but a life style change. Please, never go back to the creamy crack!!!
2. Never compare your hair with anyone else. Your hair is unique and never try to desire to have so and so's hair. What God gave you is special and you must learn to work with it.
3. Invest in a good hooded dryer. Deep conditioners are your best friend.
4. Develop a regime and keep it simple.
5. Become a Product Junkie. Experiment with different products and keep a journal of what worked and what did not work.
6. Take measurements of your hair, pictures for memories because the first year goes by fast.
7. Play in your hair... It is so much fun
8. Accessorize- earrings, scarves, hats, headbands, eye shadows and clips.
9. Start a business- make a blog, start YouTube videos, make hair accessories. Promote the beauty of Naturalism.
10. Stand tall and realize that your beautiful
I love this!!! #1 is the most important.. Thanks Sommer
ReplyDeleteAwe Sig! I love you too! Im so excited and scared at the same time! But i will not turn back!